Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Get your next hat at Sears, Roebuck & Co. - 1904

" A Regular $5.00 Fall and Winter Hat for $1.95 "

"Cut out and return this ad, enclose $1.95, and we will send you this newest style Dress Hat by express. Examine it, note the fine materials, the fashionable shape and style, try it on and see how becoming it is, compare it with the most expensive hats of your home milliners, and if you do not say that it is a value that is simply astonishing, the prettiest, most stylish and most becoming hat you ever saw, IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE it is worth very cent at $5.00, return It and we will immediately return your money.

The latest, most stylish shape of the season, peculiarly becoming to old and young alike, especially desirable for street wear, for tailor made gowns, or as a fine dress hat. Made of genuine mirror silk velvet, hand made on a buckram frame. The shape is uprolling with a slightly pointed front. The back rim fits closely to the hair, the very newest mode. The facing is artistically draped with the very best quality black mirror silk velvet, which velvet is also in gathered and shirred folds and edged all around the brim with a loose fold of the latest novelty braid, edged with silk chenille cord. The upper trimming Is made of a draping of long nap black mohair wool felt and black mirror silk velvet. Bows of back silk taffeta ribbon are arranged in the center of the crown, and falling over the back are extended to the all around silk velvet bandeau, and then made Into long bows. On the left side are three excellent quality genuine black ostrich tips, gracefully drooped over the side of the brim. A large gilt slipper buckle is on the left side of the brim and is the latest style of ornament used on most expensive hats. This hat, as described In black, Is very beautiful, but It can also be ordered in golden brown or navy blue, although the ostrich feathers are always black.

$1.95 barely covers the cost of the material. We make the low price simply as an advertisement for our millinery department. If you order this beautiful pattern hat you will be saving more than half in price, and you will be getting a hat that is really distinctive, something by far more stylish and up to date than what will be shown In small towns. Our Free Millinery Catalogue, sent on request, shows our complete line of fall and winter hats, shapes and trimmings, laces, ornaments, feathers, ribbons, ect. all at wonderfully low prices, very Interesting to every lady. Our Free Millinery Catalogue offers a big opportunity for anyone to start in a profitable millinery business with almost no capital at all. Don't fail to write for our FREE MILLINERY CATALOGUE.

Address SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO., Chicago, Illinois."

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